This is a true story that might seem crazy, but bear with me. I work at a well-known insurance company and have been there for years. My typical workday begins when we open the doors to the public at 8:30 am. Before starting work, I eat breakfast, take my generic Excedrin for migraines, sign into the different sections on my computer, and then open the doors. During the time of this incident, three people were working there, including a new girl who didn't have a key yet because she hadn’t earned her insurance license yet, and didn't have to be in until 9:00 am.
On one particular day, at around 8:25 am, I received a call from an ambulance driver informing me that my mother, who lived with us, had called them because she was hurt and needed immediate help. However, the ambulance driver needed me to unlock the door to let them in. If I didn't, they would have to kick the door down. I had no choice but to leave work immediately. Before leaving, I called the new girl to tell her the door was locked and that I would be back as soon as possible.
When I got home, I found the paramedics and the fire department waiting outside my door, ready to break it down. I struggled to put the key in the hole because I was shaking so badly. All I could think about was my mother and if she was okay. I was worried because my mother is elderly and has COPD from years of smoking cigarettes. She moved in with us after my father died from throat cancer in 2007, also due to smoking. My mother finds it hard to move around the house unless she takes a break to catch her breath. She has these episodes where she can't breathe, and we have to give her oxygen or her inhaler immediately. (Now, she needs oxygen 24 hours a day.)
When I finally managed to open the door, the paramedics rushed into the house. I found my mother lying on the floor covered in her own urine. She was crying, but thankfully, she was still alive. The paramedics asked her several questions, and I tried to listen to find out what had happened to her. I was crying and worried sick about her. She couldn't move.
Then, my phone rang, and it was my boss calling. She told me that I needed to let the other girl into the office. However, since the girl wasn't licensed yet, I couldn't leave her alone. I had to leave my mother lying on the floor, surrounded by paramedics, and go back to work. I had no idea if my mother was okay or not, and hours went by before I found out. Every time I think about that day, I feel angry.
The terrible experience of that day led me to the realization that I needed more time to spend with my family, and I needed to pursue my passions, which eventually gave birth to Hollow Branch Creations (formerly Chase The Deals, LLC).
I’m all about doing my part for the environment, but I’m also a realist — I need to pay my bills too. That’s why finding a balance between sustainability and financial responsibility is so important to me. It’s not always easy, but I believe that it’s possible to make a positive impact on the planet while also being financially savvy. That’s why I’m constantly seeking out ways to spread my message about the importance of sustainability, even while working a full-time job. And while it can be challenging to find the time and energy to advocate for the environment, I know that it’s worth it in the end. After all, our planet is the only one we’ve got, and it’s up to all of us to take care of it.
P.S. You are probably wondering what happened to my mom. She tried to step over a gate (instead of moving it) that we had between two rooms to keep our dog and rabbit separated and she fell and broke her hip.
-Thank you, Jay & Cendee — Hollow Branch Creations
We are a couple who share a passion for creativity and saving money. I love to save money by cooking delicious meals at home and creating unique crafts. Meanwhile, my husband is an expert in woodworking and loves to craft beautiful pieces from scratch. Together, we combine our passions to create one-of-a-kind serving sets that are both functional and beautiful. Each piece is made with care and attention to detail and reflects our love for the natural beauty of wood.
⭐ We are excited to share our creations with you and hope that you will love them as much as we do! Click Here.
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